Professional Services Provided Across Greater Manchester and Cheshire






Sky Based Solutions' drone photography in Manchester is offered with a two-fold aim.

The first is to assist sustainable industries with useful technology that can make a positive impact on your business, from classic videography for marketing purposes to detailed progress monitoring surveys for ongoing projects.

The second is to provide a way back into work for those who have suffered a life-changing industry that has taken them out of the workforce.









An exceptional service for exceptional results 

Expert Pilots


Sky Based Solutions' pilots are highly-trained and competent, possessing both raw practical skills and a keen eye for detail. This ensures not only safe flights, but the capture of captivating aerial perspectives.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We invest in the latest hardware and software to deliver unmatched video quality, precisely-measured surveys and detailed thermal imaging.


Meticulous Editing


Our work doesn't' stop at capturing footage. Our packages include professional editing, colour correction and post-processing for beautiful yet functional results, tailored to your exact needs.

An End-to-End Experience

From the pre-flight planning and safety checks to the final edits, Sky Based Solutions are equipped to handle every aspect of your project with meticulous care.?





What Can SBS Do For You?

Contact our experts to discuss your Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) service needs. Call 0161 470 4739, email info@sbscic.com or complete our contact form to arrange a call back.

Enquire Today