Helping the Disabled Re-enter the Workplace





At Sky Based Solutions, we're always working toward a greener, more sustainable, better future for everyone.

We do mean everyone! One of our primary goals is to see those who have had their careers taken from them, as a result of disability, regain their autonomy. When our founder was involved in a skydiving accident that resulted in a broken spine, pelvis and nerve damage, his life was changed forever. We want to provide opportunities for people who have shared that position, to find work, not only that they are suited for, but that they'll love. We provide disabled work placements for drone photography in Manchester, training the next generation of drone operatives while giving back to our community.




Could a Career in drone photography in Manchester Be Right for You?

Get in contact and let's discuss it together.

Call 0161 470 4739, email info@sbscic.com or complete our contact form to arrange a call back and talk things through.

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Our Workplace Mission.

Despite advancements in the employment rate of disabled people, there is still a wide gap between theirs and that of the general public. What's more, when disabled people do find work, they are frequently in lower-paying and less fulfilling roles – often in retail and administration. Currently, there is a severe lack of opportunities for disabled people in more active and outdoor-based lines of work.



What We Do.

The disabled community is vibrant and diverse, with a significant proportion of working-age disabled people having suffered life-transforming accidents. Previously, many of them had fulfilling careers and active lifestyles and would benefit from a dynamic, challenging working environment.

Sky Based Solutions help solve these challenges with our commercial service and our supported employment framework in Manchester.

1.  Assessment: Each participant will undergo a comprehensive assessment process to determine their interests, strengths, and skills. This assessment will also identify any barriers to employment that the individual may face due to their disability.

2.  Training: Based on the assessment, the participant will receive training in various aspects of the drone industry, including drone operation, mapping and editing software, and client communication. The training will be designed to accommodate the participant's specific needs and will be delivered in a supportive and inclusive environment.

3.  Work Placement: The participant will be placed in a work placement or apprenticeship, where they will gain hands-on experience working in the drone industry. The work placement will be tailored to the participant's skills and interests and will provide them with real-world experience.

4.  Employment: After completing the work placement or apprenticeship, the participant will be assisted in finding full-time employment in the drone industry or related fields. SBS CIC will work with employers to create inclusive and supportive work environments that accommodate the participant's disability.

5.  Support Services: Participants will receive ongoing support services, including peer-to-peer support, digital skills training, and assistance managing their disability through alternative sporting activities. SBS CIC will also provide advice and support on grants available from the government and other organizations to support the participant's personal development and career pursuit.

6.  Network Building: Participants will have access to SBS CIC's network of supporters from various backgrounds, including other disabled individuals, industry professionals, and community organizations. This network will provide ongoing support, mentorship, and opportunities for professional development.

By following this supported employment framework, disabled and disadvantaged individuals can access the drone industry and related fields, gain valuable work experience, and build rewarding careers. SBS CIC's mission of providing second chances to disabled individuals aligns well with this framework, and its focus on sustainability makes it an attractive and meaningful career choice.

The supported employment framework involves a range of stakeholders, including employment support providers, employers, and individuals with disabilities or disadvantages. Employment support providers play a key role in delivering individualized support services, while employers provide opportunities for employment and are often required to make accommodations to ensure that individuals with disabilities can perform their jobs.

Overall, the supported employment framework is a holistic approach to promoting employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities or disadvantages. It emphasizes the importance of individualized support, integration into the workforce, and ongoing support to help individuals secure and maintain meaningful employment. By providing access to employment, the framework can help individuals achieve financial stability, improved self-esteem, and social connections, ultimately leading to greater social inclusion.


Worker at solar farm operating drone

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Enquire Today to Learn How We Can Help You.

If you've suffered a life-changing accident and are ready to re-enter the working world, our disabled work placements for drone photography in Manchester can help you. Call 0161 470 4739, email info@sbscic.com or complete our contact form now.

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